
Natural Goods

Agriculture Experience


Affable helps you, the farmer, automate your crop monitoring systems and save cost. The result is excellent value for money. All of our solutions are based on machine and human learning. These solutions have been designed by extremely qualified vets and agriculturists which shows our commitment to what we are doing.
Imagine running a vineyard. Isn’t keeping track of how many grapes are ripe, unripe, and how many are about to rot a difficult task? We know it is not easy to measure the crop growth stage, size, and quality. If you have a large vineyard, would it not be nice to know where the ripe, ready to be picked, grapes are without too much effort? Grapes are particularly difficult to get right due to irregular shapes. How about a system that automates it all for you? Wouldn’t that be great? Now we have a solution that automates it all for you – drones, vision, and AI! (Link to grapes page). The best part is, our solutions can also work on oranges, apples and mangoes, fruits with much more regular shapes.






On the other hand, if you are a dairy farm or a horse stud owner, can you tell how your animals are progressing daily? Are you overfeeding the cows and underfeeding your horses? Is one of your animals stressed? To do it right manually, you would have to take a measuring tape and take measurements of girths and sizes. You would have to do it for ALL of your animals. But be careful…those horses can kick! Now imagine doing all this without even touching the animal by simply having it walk past an existing CCTV camera. Our images are annotated by expert vets and we generalize them to a new data-set.
Let’s take the horse as an example. Six parts on the horse deposit fat:
The crest of the neck
The withers
Behind the shoulder
Across the rib cage
Over the back in the loins
The tail-head
Instead of checking these parts manually, you can simply take pictures of the horse(s) and assess the amount of fat deposit from your workspace.


At Affable we have a highly competent team that understands AI Deep learning and how it can be used to benefit the agriculture sector. Our vision experts have a lot of experience in heterogeneous computing. Our autonomous drones are augmented by annotators to decipher the data for you. Since we all have a farming background, it makes it easier for us to understand the problems faced by our customers and give solutions. We are a family run business and we stand behind our work! We are good at what we do and we are Affable.
According to the “Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,” more than 820 million people in the world do not have enough to eat. This is a staggering number whichever way you look at it.Technology is now being used worldwide to increase the productivity of crops and maximize yield to tackle the issue of hunger. Affable is an agritech company that is a part of this E-agriculture revolution. We are using AI, autonomous drones, and sensitive computer vision technology to provide farmers and farm owners with actionable data that they can use to pinpoint problems and improve the quality of their crops.
Take vineyards for example. Some of our clients are vineyard owners and our drones have helped them stay ahead of the problems. The drones fly through the vineyards and collect data in the form of videos and high-resolution images, etc. The UAVs fly closer to the crop than fixed-wing aircrafts, and while the latter can cover more area quickly, the drones provide better images and more flexibility.

If you are a corn farmer with hundreds of acres. Can you really tell which acre needs more water, which has seed planting mistakes and which acre needs more fertilizer? This is where our machine learning solutions come to the rescue. With expert annotation from PhDs in agriculture, autonomous drone technology, and computer vision, we prescribe what your crop needs at specific locations to help you get increased crop yield!